Thursday, June 21, 2012


hey, if you are this then you are like me. you want to change the world. let me tell you its not going to be easy, but weren't all great world-changing things hard. changing the world takes work and lot of it you have to work hard. and sure you might hit a rocky spot, but failure isn't if you fall its if you stay down and give up after you fall. my G.A.T.E teacher Mrs.Venosdale taught me this. as did she teach me many things that we will discuss on this blog. I will also add a link to her website at the end of this post. Ok i will admit it i'm only 12, i'm young, in some cases called a child, a kid. but that doesn't mean i'm too young,just a child, only a kid. it means i have a longer climb but not an impossible one. kids like me often change the world everyday. by growing up to be the next generation of, actors, singer, musicians, businessmen, chefs, astronauts,soldiers, changers. so kids don't think you are too young and parents and adluts don't tell us that we are too young. instead encourage us tell us we can and help us make it where we want to go. because JFK was once a child Thomas Edison was once a child too. you were once a child with the same dream don't give up because you can and will make it


  1. Can't wait to see how you will change the world!Keep us updated with your progress on your Blog, I'm sure you have much to teach us :)

    1. more post are here! keep telling me what you think and some new pages too! that will be built by you thanks for the nice words.

  2. Yep, you CAN change the world. What an awesome blog, but then what would I expect? It's got an awesome author! Keep up the awesome belief in your dreams and yourself. :)
    -Mrs V.

    1. thank you Mrs.v you don't know how much that means to me but your the one who inspired me to. thanks for tweeting i have a couple new post for you to read enjoy

  3. Your words are so true, and I'm glad you feel so strongl about this at such a young age. We need more kids like you.

    Your writing is beautiful, too! You have a gift. :)


    1. thanks to you as well i have some new post ready and published please tell your friends
