Wednesday, January 30, 2013


dreams. we all have them. but what is a dream really? to me a is something you have always wanted to do. something you would do anything to achieve. so, what is your dream. do you want to be a chef? how about an actor? or maybe a doctor? or a lawyer? the possibilities of what your dream could be is endless! and if you can dream it, you can do it. a dream isn't something you can give up on though. you have to make you dream come true. you have to work hard and be patient. dreams just don't happen come true over night. you have to work for it. it may take a long time but that is no reason to give up. you can do what ever you can dream. if you can dream it you can be it. here's a video for you guys remember to DREAM BIG!


  1. It's so amazing that you were typing this at the very moment I was in class, celebrating a dream come true. I love that you are already thinking about your future dreams. You are so right.. DREAM BIG! Can't wait to see where your dreams take you one day! It will be some place amazing, I am sure of that! :)

    1. thanks, i am planning to post daily on weekdays after school, i usually get home at 2:50 to 3:00,so feel free to share my post with your class if you have enough time. if you don't have enough time i suggest sharing them next time you see them. keep checking for new posts and tell your friends :)

    2. thanks, i am planning to post daily on weekdays after school, i usually get home at 2:50 to 3:00,so feel free to share my post with your class if you have enough time. if you don't have enough time i suggest sharing them next time you see them. keep checking for new posts and tell your friends :)
